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Federal University of ABC

Santo André


Located in the industrial belt of São Paulo – Brazil’s largest city – in an area known as ABC, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) was created to contribute directly and indirectly to the education of Brazilian people, to advance knowledge in engineering, mathematics, computing, natural and human sciences; and to meet the demands of regional industrial activity and public administration.

UFABC is one of the youngest Brazilian universities. Founded in 2006, today it operates two campi, both still partly under construction, but already established a reputation for high-level interdisciplinary research and teaching.



Interdisciplinarity – a key concept at UFABC – has been discussed since the second half of the last century, when a strong need for redeeming the integrity of knowledge led to this approach, which consists of combining efforts from a variety of disciplines to deal with any given problem.

At UFABC, undergraduate degrees are obtained in two phases. At first, all students follow one of the interdisciplinary programs: BC&T (Bachelor in Science and Technology) or BC&H (Bachelor in Sciences and Humanities).

These programs prepare the students for a wide range of activities in, respectively, sciences/technology and sciences/humanities. Both programs are highly interdisciplinary and flexible, which encourages students to make choices throughout their stay at university.

While obtaining the first bachelor degree, students can, if they so choose, pursue a second kind of bachelor, teaching or engineering degree. This pedagogical approach favors the exercise of creativity instead of a passive attitude towards the educational process.

Furthermore, UFABC considers fundamental to be open for interactions with society, contributing to the material and intellectual welfare of the people by means of outreach initiatives.

Become a visitor: At UFABC you can be a mobility student. For more information send us an e-mail: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

São Bernardo do Campo



Research is another pillar of UFABC, which has as one of its key missions the exploration of new paths in the great adventure of scientific and technological progress.

The graduate programs at UFABC aim at the development of scientific and technological frontier research. The programs are committed to form researchers with a wide domain of knowledge fields and highly qualified professionals to meet the demand for higher education and national and regional technological development.

The academic Master's program offers conditions to the development of studies that show the domain of conceptual and methodological tools, essential to the field in research, which qualify the student as a researcher and professor, through education and investigative works.

The professional Master's program creates conditions to the development of business transforming practices by using the scientific method and applying the knowledge of new processes and techniques.

The Doctoral programs deepen the objective of the academic Master's program by the production of a work that must be an original, creative and real contribution to the field of research.

Registrado em: English
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